Plan Sponsors2018-07-03T00:18:37+00:00

For Plan Sponsors

The Stakes are Higher Than Ever – But Outsourcing Help is Here


CEOs are demanding a greater focus on core competencies and driving greater stakeholder value. Pressures on corporate profitability have led to a continuation of growth in outsourcing of non-core and supportive services.


CFOs want cost reduction and are seeking capital efficiency. Outsourcing can provide this because it releases funds to finance growth and pursue fresh business opportunities. In fact, according to a new survey, 9 out of 10 CFOs say outsourcing non-core functions increases shareholder value.


Today, more than ever, executive management teams are looking to their Human Resources Department to be strategic partners in attracting, retaining and developing active employees. At the same time, Benefits Administration grows more complicated and time consuming by the hour. As a result, HR professionals are being distracted from strategic initiatives by the day-to-day administrative aspects of their job and are increasingly seeking outsource partners to administer benefits for former employees.